Ask Mark Ward

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Take the Risk.

Stop waiting. The time that is right is RIGHT NOW. You may keep greater success, fulfillment and joy at bay; remember it is your choice. The truth, the knowledge and wisdom that you need will be revealed when you take action. Do not wait for the correct action or the appropriate time. Simply be clear about your intent and move forward. Any action will serve you and provide you with more direction and wisdom than you can ever imagine. The illusion of perfection is a tool of the ego in service to fear. It is an overzealous member of your management team that wishes to maintain the comfort of your environment at any cost. Unfortunately, it's wisdom is only based on past experiences, emotions and assumptions about the future. It is not a fan of the discomfort and uncertainty that often accompanies growth.

When is the last time that you were so courageous in your actions that you felt your heart beating with excitement? When is the last time that you took a risk so big that it challenged the boundaries of your very being? Existing is NOT living and life is filled with opportunities ripe for the taking. For what are you waiting? Get out there and LIVE!

 Success or sabotage? Choose your definition of success for today and step boldly into the unknown. 

Is this going to be an incredible day? Allow yourself to be excited by the power, possibility and uncertainty that stands before you.