Ask Mark Ward

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Consider your Dreams.

We are all dreamers. The number of us that are "doers," is a much smaller number. Despite the stories that we may tell our selves, the bridge between dreaming and doing is a small one.  We are only able to cross it, however, when we say "yes" to our deepest desires and ignore the fears that arise at the mere consideration of change. The fear is most often cleverly disguised as logic, reasoning, care and concern. It is the voice of doubt that reminds us that we must be responsible and leave the dreaming to children. What folly!

Today, I invite you to consider your highest vision for your self. What is the dream that is too big to share? What is your innermost desire--the one that would embarrass you to share? Once you have identified your dream (you know what it is!), I dare you to take some effective action. Take a step--however small--in the direction of your personal vision. How does it make you feel to consider such an action? Is your heart beating a little faster? Are you tempted to ignore or postpone the request? If so, ask your self what is it at the heart of your fear? Is it truly serving you or the world to live small?

Success or sabotage? If success frightens you, you will always manage to keep it at bay.

Is this going to be an incredible day?  If you deny the truth of your being, you will always be cheating your self out of the possibility.