Ask Mark Ward

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Direct your Attention.

Our current circumstances do not have to be permanent, so, if they not aligned with our desire, we need to stop focusing on them. Instead, we must direct our attention to that which we ultimately desire. What IS already exists, so we may put it in the past. We cannot change what has already manifested, but we can utilize it for greater clarity and inspiration for what we wish to create going forward. Our life experience is the effect of past cause (thoughts/words/actions), so, in this moment we are in the process of creating the condition of our life going forward. In some capacity, we are always placing our order, so why not be conscious of that which we are ordering?

First, let’s appreciate the good in what we have already created. Everything may not be as we wish (in some cases, far from it), but there are always some blessings buried even in the most uncomfortable of circumstances. This is our opportunity to list those things for which we are grateful and to feel good about that gifts that are already present.

Once that is complete, let’s give consideration to that which we desire. What is it that we wish to create? We can use the current discomforts of today as our guide—”if we don’t want this, what do we want (instead)?” Again, let’s make a list and, while doing so, reach for our intended emotions. What is it that we wish/expect to feel when these desires are indeed a part of our present reality? Notice how enjoyable it is to fully indulge that fantasy.

Now, we can examine our list and note any actions that we need to take in allowing these things into our existence. We may also wish to consider any inspired actions that we feel will energize our opportunities and preparation for the changes that are coming. Each morning, we should review our list and allow ourselves to get excited for the good that is unfolding (we may not see it yet, but it is already on the way). In the process, we ask, “what is mine to do today?”

We have placed our order. As part of our daily exercise, we continue to get more excited about its arrival (envisioning it all as if it already exists). We pay attention to our inner wisdom and guidance about the things that we need to do in active participation of this creative process. Opportunity, access and greater clarity will always present themselves if we remain focused in expectation of the good that we desire.

Success or sabotage? If we desire a life that is outside of our current experience, we must be willing to look beyond what is and focus on that which we ultimately want, knowing that it is within our power to create it.

Is this going to be an incredible day? Every day provides us with an opportunity to fully appreciate what is and to use it as inspiration for what we wish to create going forward.