Ask Mark Ward

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Define your Week.

Scrolling through social media posts, I was struck by someone stating that they hope that they have a better week next week. I was reminded by how often we unconsciously surrender our power in hopes that things will simply turn out in our favor. Rather than taking the time to define what constitutes a “better week” and how we will know when we have had it, we roll the dice and wait to see what “the week” decides to do with us. Let’s simply see what happens! If that is the way we wish to live, the option is readily available and we do not need to do anything. It is a “default” setting and requires no time or attention.

An alternative option is also available, but it does require some thought and focus. Success is more easily achieved when it is clearly defined. Define how a “good day” or “good week” looks. At the end of the week, what would you like to be saying about the week that just passed? How will you evaluate your success in that capacity? What are you using as your measurement? What challenges/obstacles (if any) do you anticipate? How will you overcome them? Now that you have this wealth of information, what steps will you take to bring these desires to fruition?

Success or sabotage? A day is absent any intention except for the one that we provide. It is formless and unfolds in response to our thoughts, actions, and reactions.

Is this going to be an incredible day? It is the question that we are answering every day…consciously or unconsciously.