Ask Mark Ward

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Ask and Surrender.

I am not sure. I am no longer certain. There are days when I awaken and feel that I am forced to question not only what I am doing, but my reasons for doing it. Have I simply been living in a fog of my own creation? Have I completely lost my mind? Perhaps I was meant to be a lineman in a factory or an accountant. The argument could be raised that, if this was the case, there would be some evidence of interest, inclination or desire to explore those professions. But, then again, who really knows? I do not. I do not claim to know.

Sometimes we must ask and surrender, letting go of the immediate need to know, trusting that the answer will emerge at the perfect time. It can be a frustrating consideration, but when we remain fixed to our expectation of how things should or need to be, we diminish our power and often limit or erode possibility.

Questions only have value if we allow space for the answer. We must release our (sometimes) limited view of possibility and allow the unexpected to unfold. It is only then that our lives may unfold in a manner that exceeds our wildest dreams. We must allow the universe to perform its magic. Some of the best moments in life are unplanned and unexpected.

Success or sabotage? Continue to ask the questions without the need for immediate answers. The joy of life is the journey, not the destination.

Is this going to be an incredible day? Create the space for unexpected good that exceeds your own perceived limitations.