Ask Mark Ward

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Answer the Call.

On my business cards, you will find a single question: who do you want to be?

We are created by the choices that we make every day. Our lives lived are an expression of our answer to that very important question. So, in essence, we are already answering that question with our thoughts, words and actions on a daily basis. We simply may not conscious of our answer. If there is any disparity between our desired intention and the lives that we are living, misery will ensue. The soul will not and cannot be ignored. It will tug, pull, pinch and kick if necessary to gain your attention. For many reading this reminder, this is a wake-up call.

Are you living your life with passion? If you job is not your passion, it should be paying for it. Don’t you think that you are worthy of a life of complete joy and satisfaction or do you think that gift is only reserved for other (more deserving) people? Do you truly believe that you serving yourself or (perhaps more importantly) the world by living small? You were brought into this world with a unique expression of gifts and talents. If you have not been utilizing them on a regular basis, you are existing rather than living. That is not why you are here.

To dismiss the callings of our soul is a selfish disregard for the world. We are at a time in history when we need all hands on deck. We need everyone to show up whole, healthy and complete, ready to share all that they have to offer. Answer the call.

The natural inclination is to listen to the inner-voice of the monkey mind which will suggest that you must wait until specific things are in place. You must wait until all of your responsibilities are met before you indulge in such foolishness. The truth is that there is no greater responsibility. When you nourish your soul, it changes the way that you do what you do; so, you are more effective in every capacity.

What is the call that you have not yet answered? How are you holding yourself back? Rather than waiting for a more convenient or “perfect time,” take the time today to incorporate the expression of your soul into your interactions. Who do you want to be today? How can that best be personified in your thoughts, words and actions? How will you hold yourself accountable in that regard?

Success or sabotage? Real, long-lasting success is brand specific and it is an incarnation that is all your own. It is the brand called Y-O-U.

Is this going to be an incredible day? Decide the day that you will create rather than allowing the circumstances of the day to dictate your possibility. Make the day work for you.