Follow your Heart.
Living in integrity often requires sacrifice. There is always a line of people waiting to tell us what we may have done wrong or could have done better. If we wish to follow our hearts, we must be willing to disregard the good opinion of others and surrender comfort for our personal truth. Walking in truth and making others happy are often in conflict. Despite the difficulties, we must answer to ourselves in the end.
Take a personal inventory. Are you living in integrity? How many of your actions are influenced by the desire to please or appease others? In what areas, if any, are you betraying your truth? What is your intuition telling you is the best course of action?
Success or sabotage? Is your definition for success being defined by your or others?
Is this going to be an incredible day? Follow your heart and see where it takes you. Allow it to lead you to the discovery of things that you never knew before.