Ask Mark Ward

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Let it Go.

Once we have made the decision about what we want in our lives, and committed to the steps that we will take to help bring it to fruition, it is time for us to let go. We must surrender our potentially limited ideas on how, when and where our desires will show up.

When you go to a restaurant, you examine the menu, conclude on your desired selection and place the order. It is not necessary or warranted to continue calling your waiter back to the table to repeat the order. You trust that your order was noted and that it will soon be delivered to your table. The same is true with the universe. Be clear about what you want and the actions that you will continue to take; then, place your order. Then, release it (like a prayer in action), concluding that it is already on the way.

Success or sabotage? Do you trust enough to let go or do you feel that it is up to you to always “make things happen”?

Is this going to be an incredible day? Let go and be free! Enjoy this day to its fullest, knowing and affirming that even more good is on the way.