Ask Mark Ward

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Step beyond Fear.

What is your greatest fear? What is it that you believe might/could happen? Where is the evidence that supports your fear? If there is nothing that suggests that your fear will indeed come to fruition (without your assistance), why invest in a possibility of failure rather than success? Since it has not happened yet, wouldn’t the probabilities likely be the same?

Every time that we are able to face one of our fears and step beyond it, we are strengthening the muscle of courage and effectively moving into a brighter future. Our fears may be valid, but investing in fear and worry is simply rehearsing for something that we do NOT want to happen. It does not change anything for the better. Worry never produces a better outcome.

Once you are aware of your fears, it is imperative that you learn how to effectively manage them. What will you do today to manage the obstacles that fear have placed in your path?

Success or sabotage? No one ever achieved success without making friends with failure. It is the experiences that we often categorize as “failures” that make our successes sweet and deeply fulfilling. They provide us with the greatest sense of accomplishment.

Is this going to be an incredible day? Every experience in your life is offering you an invitation to step into a higher version of your life. You need to simply accept the invitation.