Ask Mark Ward

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Breathe in Joy.

I do not feel at peace. A lack of sleep has temporarily eroded my discipline and has resulted in ineffective (unconscious) choices. I am questioning the current nature and value of my life as it has unfolded up to this moment. Opportunity is knocking, but I will admit that I feel resistant to the very possibility of growth in this manner. I feel more inclined to dig in my heels, cross my arms, and stick my head in the sand. I wish to remain unmoved, pretending that I am punishing a force outside of myself and that, by doing so, I will feel renewed satisfaction and power. I would like to lash out at someone. This emotional pressure valve needs release. I laugh at the patterns of old logic. I am well aware of the range of effective choices in this moment and I am resistant to all of them.

Breathe. At this moment, it is the best first step. What do you most want at this moment? What is your ideal? The voices of objection (why you do not, can not, or will not have it) begin their chant. Breathe through them. Do not attempt to conquer them. Simply allow them to pass. Focus on something that brings you joy. Do not worry about the size or categorization of your thoughts; if it brings you joy, it is effective. Allow yourself to feel grateful. Now, focus on yet another thing that brings you joy. Move from joy to joy (item to item) until you have thought of ten things that make you feel good. As you continue to breathe, allow yourself to feel the joy. Notice how your body begins to shift. You will have to fight to maintain the stress in your body that the breath is attempting to remove.

This is a step in the creation of peace.

Success or sabotage? Invite the space for success into your life by getting off the treadmill that you have created. Remember to breathe and enjoy (otherwise, what is the point?)

Is this an incredible day? What does your soul tell you?