Ask Mark Ward

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Use the Stillness.

Be still. We have a tendency to escape the truth by hiding comfortably in the noise. Most of us find ourselves continually surrounded by the sounds of television, music, Internet, radio, conversation, traffic, crowds, etc. By doing this, we are cheating ourselves out of the beauty, opportunity and connection that awaits us if we will simply allow it. God/Spirit/Intuition speaks in the silence when we are receptive to truly listening. If we are always living in the noise, how can we possibly hear?

Before you kick-off another day, spend 15 minutes in complete silence. Find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. Turn off your phone and remove all possible distractions. Sit in an upright position so that you will not be tempted to sleep. Allow your eyes to close, paying attention to the rhythm of your breathing. Without attempting to control or change them, take note of the thoughts that drift through your mind. What comes up for you? How do you feel when you are finished?

Success or sabotage? How can we be certain that the secrets of success are not already screaming out to us if we don’t take the time to listen?

Is this going to be an incredible day? In the stillness lie all of the secrets for making this day one of the best and most productive days of our life. We have to decide whether we will take the steps to make room for it to happen.