Ask Mark Ward

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Do it Now.

I have said for quite some time that the majority of people that I have had the privilege of working with are not afraid of failure; they are afraid of success.

What if that thing that you have been dreaming of your entire life comes to fruition and it is not what you thought it would be? Then, it raises the possibility that everything in which you have believed is also based on a mistaken idea. What then?

For many, the pain of facing that potentially disappointing revelation is enough to keep them from fully achieving their dreams. They will get very close to winning the game, but will do something to sabotage themselves in the “last inning.” Fear is a powerful force, even when it is working quietly in the shadows of the unconscious. Many would rather bet on the illusion of comfort, stability and safety, even though it is (at best) a temporary, false sense of security.

What are you putting off until another day/month/year? What is the yearning of your heart that you have decided can simply wait until another (more convenient) time?

If you value the sanctity of your life, it is important to honor the gift in every capacity. This is not a dress rehearsal. For many of us, tomorrow never comes. Given the fact that you are here today, isn’t your life worth the risk required for the potential of more joy, happiness and abundance? Is regret really a healthy investment for the sake of (perceived) stability? What would you do if you were brave?

Success or sabotage? What fits within your picture of success? Do you simply want to look at the picture or do you wish to be in it?

Is this going to be an incredible day? Rather than saving the “incredible” for tomorrow, enjoy the benefits that are available by pursuing it today.