Ask Mark Ward

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Test your Limits.

The universe is awaiting your next step. Without action, there is no reaction; without cause, there is no effect. Life without risk is not worth living. It is time to step boldly into the unknown and to see all that is you. Do you wish to live or exist? Every thought, word, and action is an answer to this question. Give thought to what you are creating--is it aligned with the deepest desires of your soul?

Surrender the judgment. Challenge the ego's temptation to delay. Today is indeed the first day of the rest of your life. Test the limits of your comfort zone by extending its boundaries. Do something today that you have never done. Choose something that makes your heart beat a little faster. Put yourself on the line to effectuate change in your life and the lives of those around you. Are you excited? You should be! Possibility awaits!

Success or sabotage? Success is no stranger to the courageous; it is attracted to those who live boldly--like a moth to a flame.

Is this going to be an incredible day? Take the initiative to make it so!