Ask Mark Ward

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Evolve with Growth.

The truth is in the questions that we ask, rather than the answers that we seek. The answers may change, but the questions do not. Often, we base our success on "expired answers" to very pertinent questions. People, circumstances, lives and the world change. We must be willing to evolve in conjunction with our personal growth or suffer the consequences.

The challenge that paralyzes many of us in our journey is the question of "how?" We may be very clear about what we want, but we do not have a clue about how to get there. It seems that when we begin to get clearer about what we want, the voices of fear step in to remind us that we haven't got a chance in hell of achieving our objectives. We must be willing to surrender our need to know how we will accomplish our goals. Rest assured;the best strategies for success will present themselves if we do the work necessary to be very clear about what it is that we wish to create. If you know the questions, you answers will reveal themselves.

This is an incredible time for new beginnings. What do you wish to create for yourself this summer? How will you evaluate your success in that regard? What would bring you the greatest joy and satisfaction? Allow your mind to wander and summon the greatest of possibilities. The world truly is YOUR oyster!

Success or sabotage? Success is only possible if it is defined. how do you define it for your self?

Is this going to be an incredible day? Within every day is a seed of possibility. you are a co-creator of your reality. what will you do today to manage your own creation?