Ask Mark Ward

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Assimilate the Joy.

There are people in life that are so joyful that you WANT to be around them; you are attracted to their energy in a way that you cannot necessarily explain. Are you one of those people? Would you like to be one of them?

You have probably heard about the old customer service trick for telephone professionals--smile (even if you don't feel it) and the customer will hear the smile in your voice. There is a technique in acting (an "outside-in" approach) where you allow the physicalization to produce the emotion (if you hit a table over and over, you will eventually feel anger). These techniques can be helpful in life. If you don't feel joyful, assimilate joy. Play it to the extreme. Relax and allow it to fill your body. Notice what happens.

Success or sabotage? What is standing in the way of you and your joy? Is there a better time than today to find out?

Is this going to be an incredible day? Let go; just be and ENJOY!