Ask Mark Ward

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Step beyond Comfort.

Stepping out of your comfort zone is a necessary step in moving into and accepting your calling. Often, we secretly desire a push that will force us into movement--a gentle shove that will prevent us from ever going "back."  Perhaps we fantasize about losing our job (with a healthy severance, of course!), providing the opportunity and necessity to move on to something more aligned with our soul.  Perhaps we wish that a kind stranger would drive by and offer to buy our house if we move out today, allowing us to find a residence or a location more suitable to our heart's desire. What form of chaos would free you from a prison of your own creation? How are you holding yourself back?

Success or sabotage? Success comes with a price; there is a moment when you are forced to sacrifice known comforts for the uncertainty and adventure of following your heart.

Is this going to be an incredible day? What can you introduce to shake it up and make it so?