Ask Mark Ward

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Risk the Disappointment.

Increased consciousness requires a certain amount of fearlessness and curiosity. One must be willing to step into the discomfort of the unknown, traveling in unchartered waters, knowing that the rewards will be far greater in the end. There is always that moment, at the urging of your soul, when you must FIRST jump and only then will the net appear.

In order to make the transition from mere existence to living, one must be willing to risk disappointment. This transition can begin with small steps. Today, step out of character, alter your routine. Do something that you have never done before. Do you feel your heart beating a little faster when you consider it? Order something new and untried for lunch, get lost on the way home, attend a play that you would not ordinarily see...enjoy the adventure that could be your life.

Success or sabotage? Success and fear are not compatible; fear is only helpful if it is managed.

Is this going to be an incredible day? Does your curiosity outweigh your fear and resistance?