Ask Mark Ward

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Use this Moment.

When you suffer the death of a family member or loved one, you cannot help but be reminded of the gift and opportunity of time. It is so precious, yet how often do we find ourselves abusing it with petty complaints and false promises for tomorrow? The truth is that we don't know what tomorrow will bring or if we will have the luxury to witness it. What we do know is this: we are here RIGHT NOW and may choose how we are going to spend THIS MOMENT. Use this moment to feed you; don't give it away. Even if you decide to sit in stillness without focused thought, make it a conscious choice.

You are given 24 hours in a day to spend as you see fit. Time and energy are your most precious investments. If you don't spend wisely today, you will be forced to live on a deficit tomorrow. Invest wisely and allow your time to be filled with returns of a fulfilled existence.

Success or sabotage? How are you going to spend your time today? What is it that you wish to create?

Is this going to be an incredible day?  Why not spend a portion of your time today seeing that it comes to pass?