Ask Mark Ward

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Invest in Today.

What do you want today to bring? It is very easy to fixate on yesterday or to speculate about tomorrow, but is it really investing effectively? 

What would you like to be saying at the end of the day today? As you go to bed and reflect on the the day's events, what is your dream? Take a moment to picture that--how does it feel?

I remember reading an interview with Michael Landon, the actor, after he was diagnosed with cancer. He said that he wished that everyone had the luxury of a specified death sentence because it provided you with a gift of gratitude and consciousness about what you wanted from another day. You could live your day to the best of your ability.

If you knew that it was to be the last day of your life on earth, what would you do? What is keeping you from doing it RIGHT NOW?

Success or sabotage? Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Are you investing wisely?

Is this going to be an incredible day? That is for you to decide, isn't it?