Ask Mark Ward

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Breathe in Peace.

Breathe. Your breath is a natural invitation for peace. Peace is not something that you acquire, it is something that is already within. You simply must clear the path for its passage. It is simple in theory, but challenging in application. If you are able to surrender your expectations and frustration, you will find that true peace is simply a breathe away. 

Take a moment this afternoon to take yourself on a mental vacation. Picture yourself walking effortlessly through the airport. You didn't need to pack anything because some newfound wealth is enabling you to buy all new clothes when you arrive. You are flying first class to the destination of your dreams. Picture yourself in this place--with all of the scents, images, tastes and emotions that you can muster. How do you feel?  Feel all of the stress and tension of your day melting away. Know that you can return here at any moment.

Success or sabotage? Are you really successful if you have sacrificed your peace in the process?

Is this going to be an incredible day? Open up to the possibility and discipline yourself to make way for its arrival.