Define your Reality.
You are the co-creator of your reality. No matter what your beliefs, you will find the evidence to support the truth that you define as "reality." If you believe that people are deceptive and only out for personal gain, that will become your experience. If you believe that you must work tirelessly to maintain a decent lifestyle, that will become your experience. You will literally attract the people and experiences that support you in your beliefs. Since you are not necessarily conscious of your beliefs (some are so embedded that you simply think of them as truth), it may seem as if you are simply living in response to the world that is around you. You may insist that your thoughts are simply in response to your experiences; in truth, it is the other way around.
Scientists studying the phenomenon known as quantum mechanics discovered that the results of an experiment are influenced (yes, changed) by the observer--in response to what he is attempting to observe. There is an undeniable relationship between our belief and our experience. It is not that we create reality, as some suggest, but we do evoke a potential that already exists.
The question for you today is what is it that you are calling forth? How is that you are defining reality? Is this definition aligned with the life that you are attempting to create? If not, how can you begin to shift your thoughts, words and actions to create something more effective?
Success or sabotage? Success will never be achieved as long as you are living another's definition of its meaning. What does it mean to you? How would success express in your daily life?
Is this going to be an incredible day? Make up your mind for it to be so, and watch what you will attract to make it true.