Ask Mark Ward

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Listen to Wisdom.

What is the voice that you are resisting? There is always a part of us that is yearning to grow--to become larger, to break beyond our perceived limitations. What is the temptation to which your response is that you are too busy, too poor, too old, too tired, or too limited to proceed? What is the call that you refuse to answer?

Fear is a friend with limited information. It uses our past experiences to predict the possibility of failure, hurt and pain.  It has our best interests at heart, but it is operating on nothing but assumptions.  Fear is not something that needs to be resisted or exorcised; it should simply be governed. What is the evidence that suggests that your fears are well founded?

Take the time today to go within. Shut out the outside world and the noise that surrounds you and be quiet for a few minutes. Can you avoid the temptation to sleep? Do not try to clear your mind. Simply observe your thoughts. Are there any patterns? What are the messages of your heart?

Success or sabotage? Success is expedited by the wisdom of your inner-voice; learn to trust your gut, instinct and intuition. You can only get in touch with that wisdom if you are willing to be quiet and truly listen.

Is this going to be an incredible day?  What can you do to make a new beginning? What will you do to make this day more incredible than yesterday?