Ask Mark Ward

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Take a Step.

Clarity comes with the price of responsibility. Once you are clear about what you want in your life (regardless of how crazy or unrealistic it may initially seem), you must make a conscious decision about what you are going to do with your heightened awareness or inclination.  You no longer have the luxury of living in the dark.

 You may find yourself waiting for the "right time" to take effective action in creating the life that you desire. You know what you want or believe that you do, but feel that you must wait for things to be "in order" before you proceed. When you find yourself clarifying your intentions with "I will do it WHEN...", it is a good indication that you are allowing fear to manage your life. There is no such thing as perfection and even the flirtation with such a ridiculous concept is a dangerous ground to travel. You are not perfect. You are not even close to perfect. You never will be, so get off your butt and get going! It is time to move! There is no time like the present.

 What came into your mind just now? Did you feel a little tinge of guilt about something? Is there some sadness in regards to what you consider to be missed opportunities? Guilt and remorse only serve you if you are going to use it as inspiration to take action. Do not allow them to tempt you to stay in an inactive, fearful or apathetic state.

Take one step today toward accomplishing your dream. Silence the voices that tell you that you don't have what you need, that you need to wait, that you will never succeed. This moment is the only moment that you are guaranteed. Take advantage of it.

Success or sabotage? If you ignore your heart's desire, you are committing an act of conscious sabotage; the cost will be greater than you could ever imagine.

Is this going to be an incredible day?  Don't just sit there! answer the question in your actions.