Ask Mark Ward

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Dare to do.

What is the lost opportunity that evokes a deep sadness? What is the regret that you keep quietly hidden away in the quiet of your subconscious? What is it that you say that you would do, if only you had the luxury of repeating your past?

Life is too precious and valuable to subscribe to tribal rules and restrictions. To hell with the temptation of "woulda, shoulda, coulda." It is time to stop procrastinating and start living. Existence is a poor price to pay for a life unlived. There is no time like the present. Today, I invite you to live on the edge. Step out of your comfort zone and do that which you have always wanted, but never dared to do. Feel the fears that rise in your body and the chatter that fills your head? It is an opportunity for you to make a courageous choice.

Live for those who cannot. Live for those who did not. Live for those who will not. Be a hero in the mirror. There is no day like today.

Success or sabotage?  Success goes where it is loved. Feel what it is to live without limitation.

Is this going to be an incredible day? What are you willing to do to make it so?