Ask Mark Ward

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Examine your Story.

How much of your life is designed to support “your story”? Sometimes we play out our dramas by framing things in a way that supports our beliefs about the world. It may not seem harmful, but there are times when we may wish to ask if our version of the truth is inhibiting our success. What if what we believe simply isn’t true? Are we more invested in our story than the truth?

If we take the time to examine our interactions with people that we find difficult or challenging, we will discover that what we get upset about is not usually the actual action or response of the other person, but (rather) our thoughts about it. It is our inner-monologue that supports our belief (our story about ourself and the world). At some point, we must ask if this is truly serving us. Do we want to be right or effective? Only we can answer that question.

Today, notice how often someone or something presses “your buttons.” Take a moment to stop and examine what is really going on. Is it what is happening that is bothering me or my thoughts about it? Is there evidence that suggests that my thoughts are true?

Success or sabotage? Our story about the world and the assumptions that we use to support it are not always conducive to success. We must be willing to examine the validity of our story and be willing to rewrite it if necessary.

Is this going to be an incredible day? What if you knew that everything that happened on any given day was part of a greater unfolding to provide you with all that you ever wanted? Entertain the thought and provide permission for the day to be incredible.