Ask Mark Ward

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Entertain the Alternative.

We are amazing creatures with powerful minds at our disposal. Sometimes, however, we forget that the mind and our thoughts can be directed. We live as if we answer to our thoughts rather than manage them.

I never cease to be amazed at those who will discount the power of thought as "positive thinking bullshit." Yet, the same critics will fully invest themselves in the worry of the unknown. Now, one can certainly produce the evidence for why one could be worried in various situations and it is understandable. One fact remains, however: worry is an investment in speculation. If you are going to take the time, energy and focus to invest in an assumption, why are you so quick to invest in the negative assumption or outcome? It is not logical and I would suggest that the return on investment is much smaller than the alternative.

Worry is an easy option, but it comes at a high price. Worry fuels more worry. It impedes creativity, growth and success (not to mention the affect it has on one's health). Give thought to that which worries you today. Entertain an alternative for a few moments. What if everything actually turned out better than you ever expected for thought possible? What if this situation that worries you was actually going to provide you with a gift greater than the pain and stress that you have already endured? What if?

Success or sabotage? Do your thoughts feed or impede your success? Are you more comfortable with worry than the alternatives?

Is this going to be an incredible day? What if you chose to surrender your worry for another day?