Ask Mark Ward

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Focus on Gifts.

If you are able to read this, your eyes are working. We may also assume that your lungs are working and you are breathing. In order to access this blog, you also utilized your fingers. Your hands seem to be working quite nicely. Your comprehension of these words also indicate that your brain is working. Look at how much is already working in your favor!

When you continue to focus on what is NOT, you are paying great disservice to all of the gifts that are already in your possession. Every challenge is an opportunity. It is your response to life's challenges that formulate your identity. You may either be the coal or the diamond. The coal transforms itself under pressure into a beautiful gem. Who are you in this moment? Are you focusing on your gifts and creating opportunities for great rewards or are you fixated on the pieces that have not yet come together?

Success or sabotage? Every thought, word and action is a choice. You are implementing a plan for one or the other. What is your strategy for today?

Is this going to be an incredible day? A blank page stands before you--what will you write on the inscription?