Ask Mark Ward

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Appreciate it All.

There is no power greater than gratitude (except, perhaps, that of the choice to exercise it). When we engage the capability within us to appreciate all that we love, we are plugged into the infinite power of the universe. It is in this space, when we are solely focused on the good and how delighted we feel because of it, that we are able to transform the nature of our existence. It is here that we are at our most creative. It is here that we are able to conquer all that has been inhibiting us from being all that we are meant to be.

Like all muscles, appreciation must be exercised. The more that we flex the muscle, the stronger we will become. To that end, get out a piece of paper. Begin to list all of the things that you love and relish, all of the things that literally lift your spirit. Relish in each gift. Allow yourself to surrender to the joy that begins to bubble up within. Feel that vibration. Allow it to carry you to your deepest desires (those things which you will also love when they arrive).

Success or sabotage? Success is a destination that we will find downstream. If we choose to let go, rather than resisting the natural current that is our life, we will arrive happily and without injury.

Is this going to be an incredible day? Every day has a gift in its essence if we will simply take the time to give it our attention.

I appreciate you. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy life to indulge me and my musings. The essence of my message (today and every day) can easily be summarized: YOU’VE GOT THIS. Remember that and live accordingly because this day is never coming again.