Ask Mark Ward

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Use your Past.

I caught myself engaged in speculation. Thoughts of what might have been danced in my head. Looking back, I made what could arguably be called foolish decisions in regards to my path. I know that I could spend the remainder of my life imprisoned in regret and bitter about my lack of foresight. When I stop to consider it, however, I realize that it does not serve me to live in the past. I can, however, use my past choices and the resulting consequences as a lesson in wisdom as I move forward.  One thing is for certain: life moves quickly. If we do not seize every opportunity, it will pass us by.

Do not put off living up to your full possibility and potential. Your gifts, talents and callings serve no one if they are in storage. Why must you wait for a better time? There is no better time than now. How can you use your past as a way to make more educated decisions in the future? Think of three specific examples.

Success or sabotage? Success is readily available for those who have the courage to seize it.

 Is this going to be an incredible day? Carpe diem! (take no prisoners and live in full, unbridled joy).