Ask Mark Ward

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Make it Possible.

Think of all the things that were once thought IMpossible; they are merely limitations of our experience, perspective and mind. Did anyone really think that we would be able to walk on the moon 50 years ago? It is interesting when you realize, for example, that all of the materials necessary for an automobile existed in ancient Rome, but they didn't have the consciousness to bring it into existence. Our limitations are dictated by those with which we choose to subscribe. Those things that we categorize as miracles are only labeled as such because of our limited thinking.

Examine your own life and look at feats which you once thought as impossible. What changed your perspective? What stands before you that you now consider as impossible? How does this thinking serve you?

Success or sabotage?  Break free of the chains of limitations; you cannot have faith and subscribe to limitation. Success begins in the mind.

Is this going to be an incredible day?  Make the impossible possible and shape the day as you envision it for yourself.