Ask Mark Ward

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Formulate a Plan.

The path to your success is not ahead; you are already on it. Remove the judgment, the dissatisfaction with your progress, and the frustration that grows from impatience and you will see that everything that is happening to you is serving you (as much as you will allow it to do so).

Before you can successfully move in the direction of your goals, you need to be clear about where you wish to go. What is it that you would like to accomplish? Sometimes the most rapid path to clarity is through the experience of dissatisfaction. Often, it is only through the discomfort of ineffective choices that you are able to determine what you actually want.  Your life experience, both past and present can teach you everything that you need to know about creating an effective future.

Think back: what were your three most painful life experiences? What did you gain from those experiences? What did you learn that has been helpful in making more effective choices? How can you apply those lessons in your plan to better facilitate the accomplishment of your current goals?

What are you experiencing now that is not to your liking? What would you like to create instead? Begin to formulate a plan using your present experience as a guide to more effective living today.

Success or sabotage? It is always one or the other; the answer is in your choice--how are you using your life experience?

Is this going to be an incredible day?  Entertain the belief that everything that happens today is inviting you to live just a little larger.