Ask Mark Ward

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Notice your Commentary.

Our sight and judgment are influenced by our values, life experience, and perceptions. When you see someone with purple hair, multiple piercings and tattoos covering their body, what is your judgment? How do you sentence them in your mind? Would you hire them to work alongside you? Would you befriend them and invite them to your home for dinner? If not, why not? If you would be inclined to invite them to dinner, what is your reasoning?

We have a tendency to walk in the world as "judge, jury, and executioner." The fate of someone's opportunity for interaction, friendship or love is in our hands. What are the criteria that we are using to determine who "gets in"?  If we were to speculate about the judgment that others might make about us, what would it be? Do you find yourself automatically responding with the negative?

Step out of the world of assumptions. Go deeper. It no longer serves you to project your story of "what is" onto the world that surrounds you. Today, take notice of the commentary that runs in your head. What is it saying? Who are you convicting today and for what reason do you find yourself disengaging from them?  How often are you plagued by negative thoughts?

Success or sabotage?  You will never achieve complete success or joy if you are influenced by assumptions. How can you discern success from sabotage if you don't have a definition of each and the criteria from which you are going to evaluate your progress/results?

Is this going to be an incredible day? What do you see when you look at the door that lies before you?