Ask Mark Ward

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Awaken to Truth.

Perfectionism is the primary weapon of fear in keeping one from assuming personal responsibility. The temptation of the victim is to live life in reaction as if we cannot do enough; therefore, what's the point? We wait for the resources to be in hand, the motivation to be accessible and the timing to be "right." While we engage in this cycle of sabotage, our lives pass us by and we miss many opportunities to rise to a higher calling.

Once we are clear that there is no need to wait, we must manage the guilt that comes from wisdom. Engaging the questions of your past and surrendering to regret is simply another form of romancing inaction.  Awaken to the truth and assume your responsibility. Your life is yours to manage and it is a gift that you cannot afford to quit.

Today, what are you doing to create a better world for yourself and others? The world is in desperate need of your participation. Do not wait until you know what you "should do;" do what you can and create the power of momentum.

Success or sabotage? The only possibility for success is determined by today's actions. which path is aligned with your intentions?

Is this going to be an incredible day? What will you do to make it so?