Ask Mark Ward

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Believe in Yourself.

Do you believe in yourself? Are you able to see the gift that you are to the world? When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Are you consumed by your imperfection or inspired by your possibilities?

The world cannot afford unnecessary humility. You must rise up and own the gifts and talents that reside within you. You are not here by accident. Your life has a purpose. A large part of your journey is finding out that purpose (there are probably a few) and taking the action necessary to fulfill your role on this planet. You may minimize your talents, restrict your contributions and sabotage your potential, but you can never deny the power of the truth. There is no one else on the planet that is "you." You are a unique combination with a flavor that is your own; no one can distill the potency of your spirit.

Success or sabotage? Are you cheating the world of the beauty that it has worked so hard to create?

Is this going to be an incredible day? What are you willing to do TODAY to see to it that this day is incredible for another?