Ask Mark Ward

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Define your Calling.

What is your revolution? For what are you willing to stand in the discomfort of the opposition for the sake of your truth? The true warrior stands in the truth of his/her being, with a knowing that does not require the destruction or elimination of others. Wisdom and the folly of the youthful ego cannot occupy the same body; the maturity of truth invites one to surrender the fears of childhood and step into true power.  It is only in the moment that you are willing to define your calling that your life begins to take shape with intrinsic meaning.

What is the question for which you are the answer? What is the answer that is in need of your question to bring the world to its attention? Only when you realize that you are both of these things can you truly appreciate the paradox that resides in the deepest yearnings of your soul.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life. The revolution will not be televised. What can you do today to make this world a better place? The world can no longer afford your complacency or your patience.

Success or sabotage? Success requires the commitment of the strong, those who are willing to be warriors rather than soldiers.

Is this going to be an incredible day?  Live the life less ordinary--consciously create something that will serve you and others TODAY.