Ask Mark Ward

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Embrace the Change.

The illusion of perfection is one of the ego's greatest weapons in its effort to maintain safety and security.  It is rarely easy to embrace change. The ego bases conclusion on past experience and assumptions about the future. It works to maintain the comfort of the status quo, resisting any change, fearing that a "wrong" move will forever alter the image that it has worked so hard to build. Change, however, facilitates personal growth and inspires new possibilities; it is a risk necessary for greater success.

Success requires the courage to step boldly into the unknown. If you are going to make a mistake, why not do it with the full commitment of your heart and soul?  Why live with regret for a life unlived when this day is full of power and opportunity? Your new life can begin today if you will simply allow it. Who do you want to be?

Success or sabotage? What are the steps that you are NOT taking due to fear of failure? What have you led yourself to believe must wait until another time (until you are ready)?

Is this going to be an incredible day?  The day is truly yours to create; have the confidence and take the actions to make it so.