Ask Mark Ward

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Take a Step.

Where are you headed? What is your intended destination?  In order to live with purpose, one must have one. You may be tempted to wait until you are clear--until you KNOW what it is that you are meant to do. This is the most common form of self-sabotage and denial.  To remain in place, awaiting clarity or inspiration, is to abdicate your personal responsibility. You are cheating the world out of all that you have to offer. 

Life IS the journey, not the destination. It is only when you move toward that which you believe to be your "bliss," that the truth reveals itself. Do not concern yourself with the nature of your decision ("right" or "wrong"). Any movement in the direction of your intention is effective. If you are off-course, you will discover that as a result of the effect that you cause in your life.  The clarity that results will enable you to move even closer to your goal. So, you cannot go "wrong," as long as you are clear about your intention (choose one!) and continue to take effective action.

Today, take a moment to be clear about your intention. Where are you headed in your life? If you have no direction in mind, think in terms of the kind of life that you would like to have (if you had no restrictions or limitations). What is one step that you can take today that will put you closer to your goal (even if you think that it is a near impossibility to achieve your dream)?

Success or sabotage? Success requires one to step into the unknown; the gift of uncertainty is the clarity that follows when you know what you want.

Is this going to be an incredible day? The course for success is your own should you choose to take the journey.