Ask Mark Ward

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Use your Time.

Today, you awakened with a magnificent gift: time. You are here. You are breathing. You have the opportunity to choose: How do you wish to spend your day? At the end of the day, how will you know that your time has been well spent?

Many allow their days to manage them. There are so many tasks, obligations, and responsibilities in the course of a regular day. It is very easy for us to get lost in the necessity at the expense of the desire. We are hamsters on a wheel forever racing to a once known and desirable destination. At some point, "means" became "end" and we are not even sure why we are doing what we doing every day (except for simple survival).

What would bring you joy today? What is within your power to bring it to fruition? How will you use your time today to effectively manage your responsibilities and create a day that is aligned with your deepest intentions?

Success or sabotage?  Success is the result of clarity, intention, action and focused time and intention.

Is this going to be an incredible day? Are you willing to invest the time that is required to make it incredible?