Ask Mark Ward

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Connect with Others.

Peace is not a thought, it is an action. If you are waiting until the time is "right" before acting, you are part of the problem rather than the solution. Commit to taking some steps today, even if they seem small, to engaging others.

Surrender your judgment in an attempt to know true intimacy. Attempt to find a source of connection that will remind you that we are more alike than we are different. Free your self from the voice of judgment that argues that you are ok and that others are "misguided, ignorant or unaware." As you walk in the world today, notice something positive about each person (even those that pass on the street). In your heart, bless each soul that passes, knowing that their challenges and victories are the same. Attempt to connect with others by listening rather than talking. Allow your voice to be an instrument of support, rather than one that needs to advise, assist or chastise. In essence, just "be."

Success or sabotage? If you feed the success of others, you will create greater success for your self and for the entire planet.

Is this going to be an incredible day?  Find the joy in others and be willing to expand your possibilities.