Ask Mark Ward

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Utilize your Gratitude.

Often, in our focus on the destination, we sacrifice the beauty of the view along the way. Surrender to the possibility that you have all that you ever need right at this moment. Consider the gifts that surround you. For all that you are NOT, remember all that you already become.

Joy is the purpose. Do not allow your design of the "means" to distract you from the potential for happiness that is already within your grasp. Take a moment today to be grateful...truly grateful for all that you have in your life. Rather than simply allowing it to be another passing thought, pay homage to your gratitude by utilizing it to bring joy to another today. Use your blessings as a gift to another. Make kindness your intention rather than an outcome of pleasant circumstances.

Success or sabotage? You will truly understand success when you are able to give it to another.

Is this going to be an incredible day? The question becomes rhetorical when you understand the source.