Ask Mark Ward

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Manage your Anger.

Anger has become the norm for dealing with unwanted or unexpected circumstances. It is now commonplace to witness drivers flipping one another off, cutting off traffic and screaming profanity at their fellow travelers. "Road rage" is so common that it has become a term familiar to most and experienced by all. Parents yell at their children in department store aisles, couples yell at one another in parking lots and many even insult themselves, mumbling about their continued carelessness or thoughtless choices. This is compounded by domestic violence, spousal beating and all forms of abuse. What is it that is so important that it illicit anger from so many?

Today, I invite you to watch your emotional gauge. What triggers you? Do you find yourself impatient with the circumstances of the day? At that moment that you catch yourself engaging anger as your leader instead of a form of productive release, focus on thoughts of gratitude. For what are you grateful? What is it that makes your life worth living? Notice how the power of the emotion begins to dissipate--first slightly, then with greater speed and necessity.

Success or sabotage? Anger may not be your enemy but it is probably not your most effective chief adviser in your path to greater effectiveness.

Is this going to be an incredible day? Rather than focusing on what is not present, look at the gifts already within your view.