Ask Mark Ward

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Bridge the Gap.

I am guilty. I have found it easier to judge others inactions and ineffectiveness rather than looking within. It can be a gift to see that which is missing, but with every gift comes a shadow and an opportunity to learn. What you see with great clarity in others is simply a reflection of what you need to see in your self. This is your opportunity to bridge the gap between the idea of self-actualization and the results of being fully evolved.

It is said that if you are out walking and run into the Buddha that you should kill him. One must become the wisdom that he seeks rather than always looking to the outside for the answer. All of the answers that you have are within. Allow those around you (and your experiences) to be the reflection and reminder of what you already know rather than the source of the wisdom that you seek.

I invite you to join me today as I look within to see what is holding me back. What are we allowing in our lives to keep us from living our highest vision? Why have we become comfortable in living small?

Success or sabotage? The success that you recognize in others is the potential that lies within. The sabotage that you identify is an invitation to do the work that is yours to do.

Is this going to be an incredible day? Are you asking another or your self?