Ask Mark Ward

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Relinquish your Control.

Comfort is overrated. We spend our existence valuing comfort above the opportunities that will propel us to the lives that we truly desire. We often act like spoiled children, stomping our hands and feet and burying our head in the sand, screaming of the injustices of the world. There are no victims. The universe is truly compassionate and responsive to your desires. In order to benefit from its gifts, however, you must surrender to the wisdom of the ages and stop trying to control the path, the circumstances, and the outcomes. Let go and enjoy the ride!

Take a moment today to remember the times in your life when you were feeling betrayed, victimized or left behind. How did that experience, despite the pain and anguish of the moment, provide you with gifts for the future? How did those circumstances provide you with greater clarity over what you truly wish to create in this world?

The laws of the universe are impersonal. Gravity exists whether you like it or not. If you are able to grasp the way things work, you can create a life that is far greater than you could ever imagine. Are you in or are you going to keep trying to change the rules of the game?

Success or sabotage? This is your opportunity..right here, right now. What are you going to make of it?

Is this going to be an incredible day? Surrender to the potential and possibilities without trying to micro-manage.