Ask Mark Ward

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Invest in Now.

If one can get their arms around the present moment and their intention for today, the big picture will unfold on its own. Today provides you with an opportunity that you will never have again--to choose who you want to be in this moment. You will undoubtedly be presented with the temptation to relive the past, to bathe in yesterday's pain or to speculate about the challenges of tomorrow. Remain steadfast and anchored to today. It is a gift of power and possibility that lies at your feet. You may not know the "how" in relation to your plan of success (and it is knowledge that you do not need), but only you can define the "what" (your intention of the day).

You have been awarded an allotment of energy for the expenses of today. If you revisit yesterday or invest in tomorrow, you will have exceeded your budget for the day. Invest wisely, IN THIS MOMENT, RIGHT NOW. Do not walk away with plans to come back later after you have completed a number of tasks or have achieved greater clarity. Now is the time for commitment: who do you want to be? How will you evaluate your personal success? How will you overcome the challenges and obstacles that you expect will cross your path?  Feel the power that begins to arise once you have defined your choice. You are no longer a participant of the collective unconscious but are a creator in a canvas that awaits your artistic contributions.

Success or sabotage?  Success is a product of discipline, clarity, and mindfulness.

Is this going to be an incredible day? it?