Ask Mark Ward

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Enjoy the Ride.

Fasten your seat belts; it is going to be a bumpy ride. Ever wonder why we will stand in line for the thrills of a roller coaster, but we will resist any unexpected change in our lives? Imagine your life if everything went according to plan. What would it be like if everything was always smooth and easy? It sounds great, doesn't it? Perhaps, but for how long? The routine alone might become tiresome. Then, we might be apt to complain about the mundane nature of our lives.

The unexpected (often unwelcome) events and our reaction to them are what amounts to our life. Think about the last turbulent experience in your life. What was it? How was your life enriched because it? This does not mean that you want to repeat it, but it does remind you that there was some value in the experience. Look back on your life. What were the three "worst" things that have happened in your life? How have these experiences positively shaped you?

Success or sabotage? Long-term success requires an appreciation for change; sit back and learn to enjoy the ride.

Is this going to be an incredible day? How can you remind yourself that every moment is an opportunity?