Ask Mark Ward

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Risk truly Living.

When (and if) you choose to live more consciously, you are extending an invitation for heightened awareness and growth in your life. Growth and comfort are seldom good "bedfellows," so you must be prepared for a bumpy ride. It is similar to a roller coaster ride.  You purchase your ticket, wait in line and often experience moments of dread and discomfort in anticipation of what might be. You might find yourself screaming in fear as you drop to seeming death, but feel revived and exhilarated once you have survived the ride (ready to ride it again!). 

Every day you are given the opportunity to take the "safe road," (the one that you have traveled down many times before) or a new unknown, seldom traveled path. If you wish to inject a little passion into your life, make a different selection. Choose to step out of your comfort zone and do something (however small and seemingly insignificant) completely out of character. Feel how your blood seems to rush even at the thought of being so bold! It may be something that appears insignificant to another--like speaking to a stranger in a coffee shop, inviting different people to lunch, trying a new craft--but, if it is outside of your comfort zone, it can be life-changing! 

Success or sabotage? Do you allow your ego and negative self-talk to convince you to remain in "your box"? Are you willing to challenge yourself simply for the sake of the experience with no attachment to results?

Is this going to be an incredible day? Are you willing to let go of your safety and risk truly living?