Ask Mark Ward

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Embrace the Unknown.

To live is to risk ineffective choices. It is the mystery that creates the adventure, excitement and thrill that is living (rather than existence). As we get older, we have a tendency to invest in an illusion of security, fighting to create a foundation that ensures us comfortable expectations. This is a lie that keeps us living small. In truth, there is no such thing as security as we tend to define it. Life changes; the only control that we have is in the choices that we make in response to the world as it unfolds around us.

What are the opportunities that stand before you today? How may you infuse your life with vitality and free expression? Rather than investing in the routine and staying within your customary limitations, consider stepping outside of your comfort zone to see what a change has to offer you.

Success or sabotage?  Success is destined for the brave of heart. bravery is not born, it is created.

Is this going to be an incredible day? What are you willing to risk to see that it is so?