Ask Mark Ward

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Step into Action.

We often deny our selves possibility. Rather than focusing on what we could do, we fixate on what eludes us. We may conclude that changing the world is for the powerful and not for us. This temptation to live small is a systematic disease that sustains the status quo.

Today, I invite you to step into action. Rather than simply dreaming, begin doing. How will you make a difference in your life or the lives of those that you love today? Remember, even a small step is a step in transforming the planet. If you approach every moment as a possibility and act with that intent, you will be instrumental in changing the world.

Success or sabotage? We often do not feel that we have achieved success because our definition is limited. What about the success that you help create for others?

Is this going to be an incredible day? Make this day count for you; create a memory.