Ask Mark Ward

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Expect more Good.

Luck is defined as "the seemingly chance happening of events which affect one; fortune; lot."  There are those who walk through the world as if they live a charmed life, surrendering worries and fears, and expecting prosperity and good fortune in their lives.  There are also those who believe that luck is for others; they envy those that seem to have the "magic touch."  Then, there are those of us that fall in-between.  We believe that luck in its classical definition does not exist. People create their own reality; if you expect good, you WILL receive good.  If you expect misfortune, you will find a way to support that expectation and belief. What do you believe? How does your belief system influence the way that you behave on a daily basis?

Today, emulate the charmed life. Live as if you have been blessed with the power of the Almighty to bring you your heart's desire. Release all worries, because you know that, no matter how things may temporarily appear, you are going to get all that you desire and more. The luck of the Irish is upon you! Wear it proudly and see where it takes you today.

Success or sabotage?  Are you willing to accept success and all of its responsibility?

Is this going to be an incredible day?  Aye, it 'tis indeed!