Ask Mark Ward

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Look for Gifts.

Sometimes the most effective path to fulfillment is reached by way of emptiness. Many refer to it as the "dark journey of the soul," that moment of time when you question your worth, calling and the reason for existence.  In nature, the seemingly harsh and destructive process of erosion is often necessary to clear the path for new growth; the same is true in human life.  Before you jump to conclusions and write future chapters of your life as a story with a tragic end, consider the alternatives.  Getting fired from your job, diagnosed with a frightening illness, failing in a love relationship can all be gifts in disguise.  Are they painful experiences? Yes!  Are they welcome changes? No, not at the time!  Are they often a catalyst to something bigger and greater than we could ever imagine? YES!  Sometimes the most compassionate response to our intention is an experience that will shake us from our foundation (a foundation that would otherwise inhibit us from moving effectively forward).  Are you willing to accept the manifestation of your dreams in any way possible or are you married to the expectations of "how things must be"? 

The next time that you are challenged with feelings of inadequacy, insecurity, and detachment, go deep within (beyond the tears and the heartache) and ask yourself, "what do I need to take away from this?"  You will receive your answer; I guarantee it!

Success or sabotage?  The road to success is never smooth, but it is always manageable.  Are you able to sit back and enjoy the ride?

Is this going to be an incredible day?  Go within or go without; how can this day serve you for the highest good?